The primary function of the Measures, Methods, and Analysis Subcore (MMA) is to ensure the conduct of rigorous, reproducible, synergistic research related to the Center’s theme. The MMA applies evidence-based statistical methods to address the specific aims of each Duke Center for Research to Advance Healthcare Equity research study, and promotes synergy across Center projects.
The aims of the MMA are to:
Provide analytic and data management support for research projects conducted by the REACH Equity Center from project planning through publication of results and including next steps (ex: larger study).
Provide consultation to investigators supported by REACH Equity research awards or interested in initiating projects related to our theme.
Ensure adherence to processes for common measurement, analysis, and data collection.
Create and maintain a common set of measures, ensure common data collection processes across studies, and maintain an integrated database of common measures and enrolled subjects for projects supported by the Center.